Saturday, February 28, 2009

Rodeo....Chasin' chickens...and Mutton Bustin'...

( First of all, sorry, these pictures are terrible quality!!! I was trying to take pictures as the kids were running so they didn't turn out very well ). Last night Bold was signed up to ride in Ogden, so we loaded up the family and headed North :). They did a chicken chase for all the kids, so of course Trey wanted to be in the middle of all the action :).... Why not, right? I tried to snap a quick picture of him but it didn't work out so well... he is the one in the middle of the picture, wearing the cowboy hat. There was tons of kids... I think they had one chicken to every 30 or so kids... it was crazy. There he is a again, he only lost his boot twice during this ordeal.... That didn't stop him though, he kept running after those darn chickens...
(Terrible picture... sorry)... Bold signed Trey up to ride a sheep. He was holdin' on so tight!!!! He even was still perma-locked on after the buzzer sounded, the clown had to pry him off!!!
And..... this is what he got when he was finished.... YES!!!, my little cowboy took first place out of like 10 kids!!!!! Way to go Trey!!! I am so proud of him, he really did so well. Bold said we need to get him on as many sheep as we can this year so he will learn to "spur 'em in the mane". (Whatever that means.... It must be cowboy lingo). And as for Bold... well he got bucked off his saddle bronc... :( ...... But Trey brought home the $$$$..... :)

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