My poor ever so lazy dog Roxy got squished on Friday night ( thanks a lot Matt)..... but no worries she is fine!!!! She just dislocated her hip and tore some ligaments, a vet's visit, some pain meds and $350.00 later she is as good as new!!

The vet has her all bandaged up she is a total gimp.

These are all her meds... who would have thought she would be treated like a person?? I didn't have that many perscriptions when I had the boys!!

Hope she gets better soon!!
1 comment:
Hey Randi, we've had a few vet visits like that. We were in san diego for 6 days. It was a blast, but now ryan and I need a vaction fo our own. But it was fun. Your boys are growing so fast. It is so sad how fast they grow.
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