Friday, April 24, 2009


The boys and I were on our way to Nephi Thursday morning and there was a stampede on the road.... ah the joys of living in the country, they were herding them from one side of the highway to the other. Notice we had to weave through them.
We were going slow enough Trey and I were able to take some pictures of them. The calves are so stinkin' cute... (I think they were on their way to get branded).
Trey named this one "OREO".
**Little side note: Trey's fingernail finally came off, it looks disgusting!!! He said he was going to put it under his pillow so the fingernail fairy could bring him $2.00. Ha, ha... that little man is always making me laugh.****

1 comment:

Tricia said...

So I am wondering if anyone thought you looked like a tourist snapping pictures on a cattle drive. lol