Monday, June 8, 2009

Weekly update...

I don't have any pictures for this post, so sorry. But I have a few things that I wanted to update everyone on.

  • First off, Bold has been working on a "Goat Mansion" for Liesel. We have been letting her eat all the weeds that are in the field, but we thought it would be nice for her to have a shelter over her head in the winter. Bold put up a really nice post fence and is going to put up some tin so she has a shelter. She should be loving life.
  • Is it possible to love something to death? Well apparently, cuz our kitty Trigger has kicked the bucket, she was kind of a sick-ly kitten when we got her but she finally killed over on Saturday. We had her exactly one week. Gun Smoke is doing fine although my boys are a little rough with her, not sure which one of my boys are the meanest to the kitties. Trey likes to throw them around, and Creed tries to be soft and gentle but, you have to remember he is only a year old, so when he carries them around it is usually by the neck. I am hoping as the boys get older they will learn to be gentle with the animals.
  • I got a letter in the mail that said Trey had been accepted to all day Kindergarten next year. This just makes my day. He will be able to ride the bus, he is so excited.
  • Bold and Trey both rode in a rodeo on Saturday night in Tooele. Trey rode a sheep before the rodeo and they took the top six riders to come back and ride in the rodeo. Trey was one of them. I was so proud of him, he was so cute. He is riding another one this Saturday in Delta. He is pretty excited.

1 comment:

Lance and Sally Sagers said...

we will be in delta on saturday, can't wait to see trey do his thing :)