Yes!!!, There it is can you see it? I asked Trey to clean his room and his toy box and you know what was in there? A mouse!!!! I ran upstairs to get a sticky trap and I could hear Trey yelling at me to come down there were mice...... WHAT!?

Yep, five little babies and their mom were living in Trey's toy box. I ran upstairs to call Bold ( seems how something eventful has happened everyday since he as been gone: i.e., the H2O episode) and Trey (bless his little heart), had two of them on his bed and was playing with them. I have never freaked out so bad in my life!!! I was practically throwing Trey into the bathroom to get his hands washed....

So I set the trap up and the mommy got caught, then I picked up the babies with my gloves and shoved them in a sack, (suffocation, baby!) Then I got out the bleach and went to town!!! WELCOME TO COUNTRY LIFE!!!!!
Oh my gosh..I can't believe that. You are the women to actually take care of them. I would of left until Winston got home...Because I am a total freak when it comes to mice...
You crack me up. I loved the part where they were on the BED when you came back. This will be one of the family stories you will never forget and you even have pictures to prove it.
Oh, and by the way I am very sorry that your last background was so cute that I had to steal it. Hope you didn't mind. I noticed you have another cute one. Your so on top of things.
I had an incident like that in our first house, when I opened a drawer in the kitchen there was a mom and her babies, I called my dad and made him leave work to come get them! And then I went to town with the bleach like you did.
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