We spent last weekend in Ogden with the hubby to help support him at the Circuit Finals. We spent Thursday, Friday, and Saturday watching Bold do what he loves to do the best: RIDE BUCKIN' HORSES!!!

Every year the top 12 cowboys in the circuit compete for $$$ in the different events. At the first of each performance they had all the cowboys come out in front of the chutes. Here is Bold STARRING up at me... I know exactly what he is thinking: "Why are you looking like a fool and taking pictures of me standing here?" Anyway, I though they all looked so good out there I had to take a picture.

So Thursday Bold happened to draw the same horse he won Oakley's rodeo on, so I figured he might have a chance to ride her. He did really well for about 5 seconds then his little bottom catapulted out of his saddle and he did a complete helicopter on top of the horse.... *Neat looking, but not the best way to dismount*. He FLEW off the horse, which was bad cuz that threw him out of the average.
Friday he drew a horse he has never drawn before. He scored 81 which put him in the money. He just happened to tie with like 4 other people so they all had to split the $$$.
Saturday night he drew a horse he has been waiting to draw all year!!! He scored 83 points!!!! AND....... he won the round!!!!! He won a shiny new belt buckle and a 45 caliber pistol!!!! He was so excited to win the gun, that's all he talked about the whole way home!!! (I will admit it is a pretty nice piece*) I was so happy for him!!! Just a little disappointed he didn't stay on the first horse and win some $$$ in the average, but better luck next year!!! I am so proud of him. He absolutely LOVES to rodeo and you can see it every time he gets on the horse. I am so grateful he as a passion and a hobby he enjoys. The boys and I love to go with him and help support him.
way to go bold!
It is so weird to think about the circut finals going on right now, I am so used to it being on new years...
Fabulous!!! A pistol, wow! You should post a picture of it.
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