Trey has been working so hard to get 10 good notes in a row at school, *He FiNAllY DiD iT!!!* He is quite the kid and his teacher has been sending home notes everyday reporting on his behavior. Bold and I told him we would take him bowling if he could get "10 good notes" in a row..... These are my boys hittin' the arcade after we were done bowling.

Creed thought this motorcycle was AWESOME!!!

At the bowling alley we went to they had these little ramps for the little tikes to roll their bowling balls down, so of course we let Creed play with us. * He did really good!!! He even got a strike *

Bold helping Creed drag the ramp over to the lane.

Trey is sooo good at bowling, thanks to the wii, he did really well, I was kinda surprised!

Do you think we have enough choice of bowling balls?

Creed trying to share one of his ranch soaked fries.....

Not much to say about this picture, other than Bold is by far a better bowler than me!!! I am so glad we got to spend some time together, I feel like these times are hard to come by with Bold working constantly..... Creed was a little fussy but we managed to make it through and had a fun time.
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