Saturday, February 13, 2010

4th place.... and 4th place....

I know... the team is styling in this picture, especially myself, but here we are after our co-ed volleyball tournament. We took 4th place.
L.2R. top row:Chassi and Fred Greathouse, Travis Walker, and Autumn
L2R bottom row: Kirby Walker and Cooper, Randi and Creed and last but not least Baylee!!! Not quite sure where the rest of the team is... maybe they are a little camera shy.
We are now playing women's volleyball ~ who knows we just might end up in 4th place... ha.ha.
Here we are in 4th place again after our co-ed softball tourn. A few different faces, but for the most part the same people we play volleyball with.
~ I found these pictures on the Internet, so I thought I would post them, and let the world know that I do actually get out and exercise a little~

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