I love when my boys want to do things together as a family. Trey asked me the other day if I wanted to help him put this puzzle together that G'ma 'Nita gave him for Christmas. It took quite a while to get it together considering all the states were their own puzzle piece, but after a half hour or so we managed to get it together.

I also LOVE when my boys fall asleep during the day!!! Probably the most looked forward to part of my day!!! I had to get some treats for Trey's soccer game the other day and they had those little dum dum suckers for $1 a package so I bought the boys some. As you can tell from all the sucker sticks, they didn't last very long. I think Trey ate a few what do you think???? He even managed to fall asleep in the middle of enjoying one :0

Creed is obsessed with my cd's he is always wanting to hold them when we are crusin' down the road. He fell asleep on the way home yesterday, I just had to get a picture!! All those times I get so angry at my boys...... these are the times that make you sit back, smile, and be grateful they are around.

I took this picture a few minutes later after Creed changed positions :) My kids are AwEsOmE!! I sure do love those boys!!
1 comment:
Cole loves Dum Dum's. He goes to sleep in his stroller using the sucker for a pacifier.
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