Saturday, October 29, 2011

Creed's 1st dentist visit

How lucky is Creed to have a dentist office right next to my work???? And double lucky that it so convenient to get him there???? And thirdly, how lucky is he that his friend Angela (her mom watches Creed @ daycare) works there!!!
Creed did really well for his first "real" check-up!! I am so proud of him, he is growing up way too fast. He did have to get one cavity filled but he did awesome... He does have a little scab between his nose and his lip, if you will notice, he was jumping on the tramp and miscalculated...., the tooth went through the lip, but all is good :) Also, we have been working on the whole potty training thing and I am 99% sure he has finally got it!!! WHOOP WHOOP.... I have been buying diapers for over 8 years..... this is totally awesome!!! I am more excited I don't have to buy anymore diapers than you could ever imagine:) Did I say Whoop Whoop!!!!!

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