Sunday, February 8, 2009

Checkin' Calves & Plantin' Beanstalks

We headed over to Grandpa Spence's to check the Heffers and all the baby calves. They are just so cute! Here is one little calf that was roaming around. Long story short: I had a bag of beans in the cupboard and Creed got into them and ripped them open with his teeth... I asked Trey to pick them up for me before we left to go to Grandpa's. I had no idea he stashed them in his pockets... when we got to Grandpa's Trey wanted to plant them and grow a beanstalk... Why not, right? I give his a shovel and he started diggin'.... Still diggin'......
He got his beans planted, he even dragged a little blue water trough over and watered them. I just don't know if they will reap any crop. Trey asked us like fifty times if we would walk over and see if his beanstalks were growing... We'll have to see what happens.....
And this is baby Creeders "chillin" (literally) in the truck.
Bold was so nice today he made me some horseshoe flowers out of horseshoes (duh) and rebar. I will post a picture of them later after I get them painted. I think they turned out really cute!!!

1 comment:

spence said...

I can`t believe it ethier didn`t use a sludge hammer and it took longer than 5 minutes.LOL and LMAO, way to go Bold. grandpa spence