We FINALLY got approved for our home loan!!! YA!!! We were originally going through the USDA Rural Development Loan. We had been on the list since like Sept. We went through all the classes, paperwork, and taking care of some credit issues, then she told us we had to wait until the first of the year in order to receive funds, so we waited...... then come January we asked her how long it was going to be and she suddenly said we didn't qualify (we made too much $$$), if we wanted in buy in Juab county we would be fine...but... we wanted to buy in Millard county. We were referred to another loan place that did USDA loans but just a step above the the other loan. Here we go.... we started the application process all over, we had to amend '07 taxes, get a bunch more documents, and finally we were approved for our loan!!!
Bold and I are so excited!!!! We are finally buying our own home!!!! We are buying from a super nice couple in Leamington. We were able to go over and sign the purchase contract Monday, so the next step is our appraisal, hopefully everything goes well with that. I am a little worried about the appraisal value, if it's less than what the people want to sell it for, we might have a problem, we would either have to come up with the difference or not get the house. Hopefully everything at the house will check out and we will be good to go!! We have set our closing date for the 31st of March!!! I will keep everyone updated on the progress!!!
I am truly grateful to all our families who have helped us, we have been holding off buying a home because the timing didn't feel right, then interest rates dropped, and we found the perfect home, Trey would just be starting Kindergarten (what a great time to move, hopefully he adjusts well), the boys will now be able to have their own rooms, and we can start a garden. I am very thankful everything is working out. Bold and I really need this move, we feel trapped in our little dungeon of an apartment. Hopefully this will bring us new and bigger opportunities in our lives!!!We are going to FINALLY have someplace to call our own!!!
1 comment:
Yeah!! It is so nice to have your own place and stop paying rent,plus its fun to be able to decorate and do new things with your own place. congrats!
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