I will only post this if no one leaves me any comments about Bold's hair~ I know it looks awful!!! He wears his cowboy hat everyday to work and when he gets home his hair is a bit out of control. And, I do realize that he needs to cut it but he refuses until Spring, he says he needs as much hair on his head as he can get.... something about keeping his head warm for the Winter..... which would be the same reason why he won't cut the facial hair... well the little that he can grow. Anyway.....

He got home from work yesterday and he started throwing Creed in the air. Bold told me to get the camera and take a picture of his face cuz apparently it was pretty funny. My camera has a couple second delay so it took a few tries before we actually got a good picture.

And of course Trey wanted a turn too..... check out that FACE :)

dads are so fun with little boys!
Dude you should really cut Bolds hair, LOL. I love it when Ryan comes home and plays with the kids, not only does it keep them out of my hair, but keeps them happy too.
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